Get Commands

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!    get the list of macro commands
!    ------------------------------
global iver1, iver2, iver3, inotes
ioption = 0 !    all commands
iver1 = gibbscam_version_1
iver2 = gibbscam_version_2
iver3 = gibbscam_version_3
inotes = 0
dialog "GetCommands.dlg"
!    create a file open dialog
!    -------------------------
file_dialog_new "Select output filename"
file_dialog_extension "Text files (*.txt)", "txt"
file_dialog_extension "All files (*.*)", "*"
file_dialog_show save, f$
!    get the command list
!    --------------------
all_commands = 1
output_notes = 1
if ioption = 1 then all_commands = 0 !    new commands only
if inotes = 1 then output_notes = 2 !    notes are required
if all_commands = 0 then get_commands f$, output_notes, iver1, iver2, iver3
if all_commands = 1 then get_commands f$, output_notes
!debug gibbscam_version_1, gibbscam_version_2, gibbscam_version_3, plugin_version_1, plugin_version_2, plugin_version_3
message "Finished: Output file = %f$"