Category:System Macros

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System Macros are automatically called when a specific GibbsCAM event occurs.
These macros were first made available in GibbsCAM version 10.2.24

The events currently supported are: File New, file Open, File Close, File Save, File Import and Change MDD.

You may define one macro for each event and this macro will be called (if it exists) each time this event occurs.

System macros are located in the Program Data folder, in the folder that is specific to the version of GibbsCAM
that you are running. In here you will find the "Macros" folder. System macros are stored in a sub folder of
the "Macros" folder, called "System". if the "Macros\System" folder does not exist, you will need to create it.

The system macros have fixed names. When one of the supported events occurs, GibbsCAM will check to see
if the corresponding system macro exists in the "Macros\System" folder. If it does, then it will be executed.

This is a complete list of events that are currently supported and the macro that will be executed.

Event System Macro GibbsCAM Version
File New File_New.mac 10.2.24
File Open (After the part file has been opened) File_After_Open.mac 10.2.24
File Close (Before the part file is closed) File_Before_Close.mac 10.2.24
File Close (After the part file is closed) File_After_Close.mac 10.2.24
File Save (Before the part file is saved) File_Before_Save.mac 10.2.24
File Save (After the part file is saved) File_After_Save.mac 10.2.24
File Save As (After the part file is saved) File_After_Save_As.mac 10.2.24
File Import (Before a file is imported) File_Before_Import.mac 10.2.24
File Import (After a file is imported) File_After_Import.mac 10.2.24
Change MDD (Before the MDD is changed) File_Before_Change_MDD.mac 10.2.24
Change MDD (After the MDD is changed) File_After_Change_MDD.mac 10.2.24
Before Posting (When you press Process on the post dialog) Post_Start.mac 10.8.97
After Posting (When posting is complete) Post_End.mac 10.8.97

The variable Command_Filename$ will be set to the full filename for the following system macros:
File_New, File_Open, File_Save, File_Save_As, File_Before_Import, file_After_Import, File_After_Change_MDD

A single zip containing example system macros is available here. Download

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