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Each example contains a link to download the relevant macros and associated files.
A single zip file containing all of the examples is available here. Download


Create a simple contour. Uses a dialog to get the contour dimensions. Download

Create a the same contour, then uses a second dialog to get values for a rectangular grid.
Make multiple copies of the contour across the grid pattern. Download

Create a contour, then transform it using Translate, Rotate, Mirror and Scale.
Show simple transforms and also duplicate and transform. Download

Get a list of the selected geometry elements. For each element in the list, find the element type
(line, arc etc) and display the dimensions (start, end, center) of each element. Download

Get a list of the selected geometry elements. create a text file and write out the list of elements including element type and dimensions (start, end, center). Download

Calculate the extents (minimum and maximum X and Y values) of the selected geometry elements. Download

Create a set of points, a tool and a drill process. Drill the points.
Use a dialog to set sort options to change the order of the points. Download


Create simple solids by Extruding and Revolving a contour. Move these solids and Union them together. Download

Create several simple solids and change each of them to a different type (stock, fixture etc). Display a list of the solids and the type of each one. Download

Show how to move solids into and out of the Body Bag. Download

Select one or more faces, on one or more solids. Create a point in the middle of each selected face. Download

Select one or more faces, on one or more solids. Create a 3D line to represent a surface normal
from a point in the middle of each selected face on each selected solid. Download

Select one or more edges, on one or more solids. Calculate the minimum and maximum XYZ values
of each of the selected edges. Create a 3D wireframe box using these values to enclose the edges. Download


Get a list of all defined features and show the ID and name of each feature. Get the extents of each
feature and create a point in the middle (XY) of each feature at the minimum Z depth of the feature. Download


Create a simple contour. Load a Saved Process. Shrink Wrap and then get the current stock size.
Set the process depths based on the current stock size. Download

Create a simple contour. Load a Saved process and then set the shape markers. Download

Working with Advanced 3D Processes. Get a list of all current processes.
For each one, show the Advanced 3D process type and display a list of the process data. Download

Working with 5 Axis Processes. Get a list of all current processes.
For each one, show the 5 Axis process type and display a list of the process data. download


Operation Moves Report.
Get a list of selected operations. Create a text file. Get the toolpath associated with each operation.
Output a list of the start and end positions of each line and arc in the toolpath to the text file. Download

Split Each Move in half.
Get a list of selected operations. Modify the toolpath associated with each of these operations by splitting
each line and arc in half and adding small moves at 90 degrees to the path at the mid point.operation. Download

Peck Turning.
Modify the toolpath associated with each selected operation to pecking along each feed move. Move forward
by a given distance, retract back in the opposite direction and dwell before continuing along the original path.
A dialog is used to input the maximum peck distance, optional retract amount and optional dwell value. Download

Lathe Profiler.
Machine the OD or ID of a solid using the profiler. Switch the profiler on and get the profiler shape.
Find the first and last line/arc on either the OD or ID. Load a process, set the shape markers and DoIt. Download


Import Tool definitions from an Excel file. The spreadsheet must contain one line of data for each tool to be imported.
The macro defines the headings that it expects to see in the spreadsheet for each tool parameter.
(you can see these headings in row 4 of each example spreadsheet included with this example.)

This example supports importing Mill and/or Lathe tools.

Three different methods of selecting the tools to be imported are shown.

1 - Import all tools.

2 - Display a dialog with a dropdown menu containing a list of all tools in the spreadsheet.
Use this dropdown to select a single tool to import.

3 - Show the spreadsheet and wait for the user to add checkmarks in a selection column against each tool that is to be imported.
(in the example spreadsheets, the selection column is column A).

There are many macros in this project. The file that you need to run is called 'ImportTools.mac'.
This macro is configured to show a dialog that will let you select the import method (1, 2 or 3) and also to choose whether
to import mill tools only, lathe tools only or both mill and lathe tools.
You can edit this macro to remove the dialog command if you do not want to provide the user with these options.

There are 3 example Excel files included containing mill tools only, lathe tools only and both mill and lathe tools. Download

Coordinate Systems

Get the list of current CS's. Create a new CS and then show a list of all CS's, including the new one. Download

Work Groups

Get the list of current WG's. Create a new WG and then show a list of all WG's, including the new one. Download


Check if the currently opened part is Inch or Metric. Ask if it should be changed to the opposite units.
Change it, change the stock size and change the current view to zoom full size. Download

Backup the current part using a filename based on the current part filename (with "_backup" added. Download

Get MTM specific data from the current part. Display the number of flows, toolgroups and spindles. Download

Post Processing

Use a file dialog to ask the user to select a post processor. Use another dialog to ask for an output file.
Show some of the current post parameters (program number, sequence numbers). Change these values and run the post. Download

Use External Applications

Create a text file containing data to be used by an external application.
Run this application (simple Visual Basic application included in this example).
Wait for this application to finish execution (it will read the data file and write a new file).
Read the data from the file created by this application and use it to create a contour. Download

Open an Excel Spreadsheet and read dfata from a range of cells to represent a list of part numbers.
Create a dialog containing this list of part numbers. Use the selected part to get more data from Excel.
use this additional data from Excel to create a contour. Download

Custom Drill Cycles

Please, click here to go to the Custom Drill Cycles page for example parts and files.

System Commands

Please, click here to go to the System Commands page for example system macros.

Intermediate Tooling

Get lists of toolblock and fixture libraries, add and remove libraries or items in a library.
Edit the intermediate tooling configuration data for a machine (MDD).
Edit blocks used in the current part file and examine the list of fixtures.
Run the "int_tooling.mac" macro to use these examples. Download

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